and I am fascinated by wildlife. That seems quite obvious, but I really mean it! Everything about those beautiful creatures from anatomy and behaviour to the sounds they make captivates me.
In my artwork I am seeking to express that deep admiration and weave it into a delicate and light picture of what I see.
My work is always realistic, so that my audience – yes, that´s you - can relate and get a glimpse of the marvelling appreciation I find myself in.
When I paint wildlife, I feel like part of the wilderness rushes through me leaving me in an admiring, peaceful and curious mood. That process is often reflected in the style and the brushstrokes I use. Especially in my oil paintings there seem to be areas of painterly excitement and others, which I approached in a more gentle manner. My watercolours on the other hand require a very soft and patient attitude since they involve a lot of thin and delicate layers.
Jul 24 | Wildlife Artist of the Year Finalist (7th Year), Mall Galleries London - Conservation exhibition - 50% of any sale goes to the DSWF - "Wild" SOLD Jun 23 - Mar 24 | Resident Artist + Yoga teacher, Royal Zambezi Lodge, Zambia
Aug + Oct 23 | Artist of the Month of the DSWF - Artist supporting conservation with 50% of sales donated Sep 23 | Wildlife Artist of the Year Finalist, Mall Galleries London - Conservation exhibition - "Okapi" Jun 23 - Mar 24 | Resident Artist + Yoga teacher, Royal Zambezi Lodge, Zambia
Sep 22 | Wildlife Artist of the Year 2022 - Finalist for the 5. time - "Unadorned Grace" SOLD - "Sungazing" Jun-Aug 22 | Resident Artist + Yoga Teacher at the Royal Zambezi Lodge, Zambia
Nov 21 | Artists for Painted Dogs (AfPD) - Conservation exhibition - 50% of all sales go to conservation Jan - Aug 21 | Resident Artist + Yoga teacher, Royal Zambezi Lodge, Zambia
Oct 20 | Artists for Painted Dogs (AfPD) - Conservation exhibition - 50% of all sales go to conservation May 20 | Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020 - Finalist for the 4. time in a row - "Innocence”
From September | AFC Festival Vancouver, Canada - "Giants" - Live exhibit starting in Canada - travelling to China and the US - "Tenderness" - Online exhibit May | ARC Salon - Second time Finalist of the prestigious ARC Salon contest - “Okapi” – Oil painting May - June | Wildlife Artist of the Year 2019, Mall Galleries, London - Finalist for the 3. time - “Invisible Lines” – SOLD - "Bright" - SOLD - "Silence" - available
Nov - Jan 19 | Solo Exhibition in Wuppertal - Sparda Bank West, Wuppertal Sept - Nov 18 | Sketch for Survival - 100 % donation of the sketch - “Future Phantom” – Leopard Cub - Displayed in London, across the UK and New York May 18 | AFC Membership - Signature Member of Artists for Conservation - The world´s leading artist group supporting the environment May 18 | Wildlife Artist of the Year 2018, Mall Galleries London - Finalist for the 2. time - “White on White” entry – SOLD May 18 | Art & Vielfalt Magdeburg - Finalist of the “Guericke-Einhorn” contest in Magdeburg - 4 of 5 entries SOLD - Museum of Natural Science and History in Magdeburg Apr 18 | Kayamoja Art Connects - Finalist in the first Kayamoja Wildlife Art Exhibition - Windhoek and Swakopmund in Namibia Feb 18 | ARC Salon Finalist - Finalist of the prestigious ARC Salon contest - “Last Fight” – Charcoal Drawing - “ARC is pleased to present the winners and finalists of the 13th International ARC Salon Competition. This year we had over 3,750 entries from 69 countries. Our finalists represent approximately 28% of entries.”
Oct 17 | Hahnemühle Calendar Contest - 1 of 12 Finalists out of 2600 entries of artists from 44 countries June 17 | Wildlife Artist of the Year 2017, Mall Galleries, London - Finalist - “Two Worlds” entry – SOLD
Oct 16 | 1st Solo Exhibition - First exhibtion in a professional gallery “Ihre Galerie” in Trittau